Nilsonian Timely – 2024, issue 1

Hear ye, hear ye!

Well, hello there, strangers!

Well, well, well. Judging by the rate of this section being updated, maybe it should be rebranded as untimely; what do you think? I mean, the last news post came out about three and a half years ago, and I think we can all agree that some things have happened in between, right?

Today however, I just wanted to focus on why it’s been silent for so long, and what may or may not come to pass in the future – and if you want, you can have a say in this!

So, as you may have gathered in coming here, I am an enthusiastic dabbler in the arts of acting, writing, and directing. More than that actually, as it is a goal to be able to make this my bread and butter one day.
In that effort, setting up this website was one of the steps, but a problem I ran into, was that I never set a very clear goal from the start of what the point of it was. Oh, I had ideas, sure enough, but since there wasn’t a strong game plan set down, I ended up going a little bit all over the place (as previous posts on this blog can attest to), I tried to follow advice from people more proficient than me in blogging, without stopping to consider if this was the way I wanted to run this specific website or not – and as it turned out, it wasn’t. Tips and tricks are a wonderful help, but you need to know if they move you closer or further away from where you want to go.

As mentioned, I didn’t. I thought I could just pour anything and everything out here, but that quickly resulted in me getting blogging fatigue, and wondering whether or not what I was writing was of any interest to anyone.
Then I decided, since I already have an acting specific Facebook page, where I share acting specific updates, and an Instagram account where I occassionally remember to update you as well, I figured this blog could be writing specific – even more specifically dedicated to short stories.
While I still like that idea, it got clear to me that this specific writing output isn’t nearly enough at this point in time to keep a blog alive. Also, I feel like this is as good a place as any to actually run some new about what’s going on with my career, regardless of the output channel.

So this takes us back to the present! The plan now is to keep this blog open for short stories whenever I get round to writing them, but I’ll also sprinkle in news about acting and all the rest – and stay tuned, because I have some juicy news coming up real soon!

For now, I’ll leave you with a question:
Is there anything specific you’d like to see more, or less, of here? I’d love to hear some suggestions, so as the front page suggests – Read, Write, Repeat!
Looking forward to hearing from you, and to get this place up and running again!

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